Assortment of Textures
New Zealand Flax
Spanish Lavender
Lavender Cotton
Calla Lilly
New Zealand Flax

Common name:New Zealand Flax
Botanical name:Phormium tenax

New Zealand Flax is a large, bold plant with stiffly vertical, sword-like, green leaves that arise from its base. It should be grown under full sun for best color. Varieties will offer different growth habits and leaf color.

Spanish Lavender

Common name:Spanish Lavender
Botanical name:Lavandula stoechas

This dense shrub grows 2-3 ft. tall with blue gray foliage and deep purple flowers that have large showy bracts near the top of the spikes. It is drought tolerant . - Cornflower Farms

Lavender Cotton

Common name:Lavender Cotton
Botanical name:Santolina chamaecyparissus

This ground cover/small shrub will grow to 3' tall and has small, grayish/silver leaves with yellow flowers that bloom in the summer.

Calla Lilly

Common name:Calla Lilly
Botanical name:Zantedeschia aethiopica

This perennial will grow 2-4' tall and has large, glossy green leaves with beautiful cream or white flowers that bloom in spring and sometimes even summer.

Gravel mulch keeps weeds down allows water in.

Permeable Surfaces

If you have impermeable paving that you would like to make permeable, there are two main methods for doing so:
1. Break up hard paved surfaces to create spaces for water to seep through.
2. Remove and replace the surfaces with permeable paving.

Click in the green box for more information


Assortment of Textures

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.