Mounds of Colorful Flowers
Ribbonleaf Japanese Maple
Monarch Blanketflower
New Zealand Flax
Arctotis Daisy, African Daisy
Ribbonleaf Japanese Maple

Common name:Ribbonleaf Japanese Maple
Botanical name:Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'

This Japanese Maple grows as a small, deciduous tree complete with palmate leaves that turn red and endure for the entire season.

Monarch Blanketflower

Common name:Monarch Blanketflower
Botanical name:Gaillardia grandiflora 'Monarch'

Gaillardia gra. 'Monarch' is a perennial. Grows to 2-4 ft. high, 1.5 ft. wide, with roughish gray-green foliage and single or double flowers 3-4 in. across. Exceptionally long bloom.

New Zealand Flax

Common name:New Zealand Flax
Botanical name:Phormium tenax

New Zealand Flax is a large, bold plant with stiffly vertical, sword-like, green leaves that arise from its base. It should be grown under full sun for best color. Varieties will offer different growth habits and leaf color.

Arctotis Daisy, African Daisy

Common name:Arctotis Daisy, African Daisy
Botanical name:Arctotis hybrids

African Daisy hybrids grow 12-18" high x 12" wide and produce daisy-like flowers from spring through summer. These hybrids have lobed leaves and bloom in whtie, pink, red, purple, cream and orange. For trailing African Daisies, see Osteospermum fruticosum, or 'Freeway Daisy'.

Managing Your Soil

Healthy soil is the cornerstone of a vibrant landscape. It provides oxygen and nutrients vital to plant growth and sustenance. It provides protection from the sun and stability for root systems.

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Mounds of Colorful Flowers

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.